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/ The Arsenal Files 1 / The Arsenal Files (Arsenal Computer).ISO / novell / migrat.zip

Jump To: Document (8)  |  Text (8)  |  Other (10)

Document (8)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
BRINFO.MSG Novell/C-Worthy Message Librarian 8KB 1993-07-30
BWINFO.MSG Novell/C-Worthy Message Librarian 11KB 1993-08-02
LMINFO.MSG Novell/C-Worthy Message Librarian 5KB 1993-08-20
LSINFO.MSG Novell/C-Worthy Message Librarian 5KB 1993-08-20
MIGRATE.MSG Novell/C-Worthy Message Librarian 15KB 1993-08-20
MNCOPY.MSG Novell/C-Worthy Message Librarian 5KB 1993-07-30
PCLPINFO.MSG Novell/C-Worthy Message Librarian 3KB 1993-07-30
TEXTUTIL.MSG Novell/C-Worthy Message Librarian 29KB 1993-01-27

Text (8)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ARSENAL.CD Text File 24 1KB 1994-01-25
CPYRIGHT.DAT Text File 8 287b 1990-06-29
IBMMIG.DOC Text File 4,486 160KB 1990-10-26
LS10MU.FMT Text File 204 6KB 1990-03-06
LS10MU.MSG Text File 79 2KB 1990-12-07
MIGRAT.TXT Text File 1,681 65KB 1993-09-20
PCLP13MU.FMT Text File 141 4KB 1990-03-08
PCLP13MU.MSG Text File 85 2KB 1990-03-01

Other Files (10)
LS10EXPO.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 68KB 1990-12-10
MIGRATE.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 713KB 1993-08-20
PCLPEXPO.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 41KB 1990-03-08
_RUN.OVL IBM PC Overlay 3KB 1993-01-19
CMPQ_RUN.OVL IBM PC Overlay 3KB 1993-01-19
IBM_RUN.OVL IBM PC Overlay 3KB 1993-01-19
TEXTUTIL.IDX Novell Error Librarian 9KB 1990-12-10
MIGRATE.EXP Unknown 822b 1993-07-15
MIGRATE.HEP Unknown 33KB 1993-08-20
TEXTUTIL.HEP Unknown 12KB 1992-10-26